From a standpoint of pure technological ingenuity, the most memorable section of yesterdays keynote at Googles I/O conference was the unveiling of Duplex, an AI service that can place phone calls and converse with a human on the other end.在谷歌昨天开会的I/O(输出/输入)大会上,最令人难忘的主题就是谷歌从显技术独创性的角度发售了Duplex技术,这是一种可以电话电话并与电话另一端的人聊天的人工智能服务。Starting this summer, Google plans to use it to let its Google Assistant handle mundane tasks such as making a haircut appointment or inquiring about a business’s holiday hours.今年夏天,谷歌计划开始用于该技术让谷歌助手处置一些日常工作,例如购票剪发或咨询一家公司的节假日营业时间。
Judging from the two real calls replayed on the conference, it could be one of the most eerily human feats a computer has ever accomplished.从会议上重播的两段现实的电话录音来辨别,它有可能是至今为止人类使一台电脑构建的最谜样的成就之一了。The recordings gave no evidence that the small-business employees on the other end of the line caught wise to the fact they were conversing with a machine.这段录音证明,电话另一端的小型企业的职员未意识到他们在与一台机器聊天。Google’s blog post on Duplex explains how its creators made the technology sound so natural, including the fact that it inserts “hmms” and “uh”s into its synthesized speech.谷歌通过博客上的一篇帖子说明了Duplex技术的创造者是如何使这项技术听得一起那么大自然,其中还包括在制备语音中放入“hmms”(嗯)和“uh”(哦)等语气词。“It’s important to us that users and businesses have a good experience with this service, and transparency is a key part of that. We want to be clear about the intent of the call so businesses understand the context. We’ll be experimenting with the right approach over the coming months,” a Google representative said.“对我们而言,最重要的是用户和企业可以从这项服务中取得很好的体验,而且确切易懂是其中很最重要的一部分。
At the start of the conference, Google CEO Sundar Pichai expressed a sentiment about the company’s new technologies and their impact on society.在此次大会开场的时候,谷歌总裁桑达·皮采说明了他对公司发售的新技术的观点以及它们对社会的影响。“We know the path ahead needs to be navigated carefully and deliberately,” he said. “And we feel a deep sense of responsibility to get this right.”“我们告诉,我们必须细心慎重地确认行进的方向,”他说。“而且我们具有一种反感的责任感,要把这项技术搞清楚。
”That’s the proper attitude—and Duplex’s launch will provide an opportunity to show Google takes its responsibility seriously.这是一种准确的态度,而且发售Duplex技术将为谷歌获取一个展出其认真负责的机会。
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