

本文摘要:Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook chief executive, warned the world against turning inwards, including building walls, blocking free expression and reducing trade and immigration, in his most politically charged speech to date. Facebook首席执行官马克扎克伯格(Mark Zuckerberg)公开发表了他目前为止政治色彩最美浓的演说,警告世界各国不要自我堵塞,比如修建高墙、诱导言论自由以及容许贸易和移民。

Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook chief executive, warned the world against turning inwards, including building walls, blocking free expression and reducing trade and immigration, in his most politically charged speech to date. Facebook首席执行官马克扎克伯格(Mark Zuckerberg)公开发表了他目前为止政治色彩最美浓的演说,警告世界各国不要自我堵塞,比如修建高墙、诱导言论自由以及容许贸易和移民。Speaking at Facebook’s annual developer conference in San Francisco, Mr Zuckerberg said the path was to connect more, not less, and to prioritise “hope over fear”. He lashed out against isolationists, in comments that could be read as criticism of US presidential candidate Donald Trump, who has a controversial plan to build a wall along the border with Mexico. 扎克伯格在旧金山Facebook年度开发者大会上公开发表演讲时回应,准确的道路是强化、而不是增加相连,并把期望放在不安前面。他大力批评了孤立无援主义者,他的这些话可能会被理解为对美国总统竞选人唐纳德特朗普(Donald Trump)的抨击。后者明确提出了一个倍受争议的计划,即沿美墨边境修建一道墙。

“We are one global community,” he said. “Whether we are welcoming a refugee fleeing war or an immigrant seeking opportunity, coming together to fight a global disease like Ebola or to address climate change.” “我们是一个全球性的社区,”扎克伯格说道,“不论我们是在青睐逃出战火的难民或找寻机遇的移民,还是在联手对付像埃博拉(Ebola)这样的全球性疾病或应付气候变化,情况都是如此。” Facebook defines its mission as connecting the world. Mr Zuckerberg has been increasingly meeting with world leaders, including Indian prime minister Narendra Modi, as he pursues a plan to expand the internet to the billions who do not yet have it. Facebook将自身愿景定义为相连全球。扎克伯格近来更加多地与全球各国领导人进行会谈,其中还包括印度总理纳伦德拉莫迪(Narendra Modi)。扎克伯格正在实行一项计划,想扩展互联网、覆盖面积数十亿仍未联网的人。

At home, he has long pursued a relaxation of US immigration rules, both for the highly skilled employees whom Facebook wants to import and the lower skilled workers who have lived in the US as illegal immigrants for years through an organisation called FWD.US. 在美国国内,扎克伯格长期以来仍然在通过一个取名为FWD.US的的组织推展官方放开美国的移民规定,这既还包括针对Facebook想要引入的高技能人才的规定,也还包括针对以非法移民身份多年待在美国的较低技能劳工的规定。





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